The SHC Instructional Media Center as we call it as the college library. It is defined by a well known author as a service agency. It’s functions is to further the school’s objectives. It has no distinct subject matter, but provides materials for all subjects & all interests of students & teachers. It becomes increasingly effective as teachers & students learn to use it’s resources & employ it’s services for their work. A teaching agency, the library has positive, active and teaching function. It suggests the reading of books which might otherwise be unknown or neglected. It supplies materials for developing & expanding interests. A reading center where students enjoy reading books & other related instructional materials necessary for knowledge enhancement & lifelong learning. A desirable place for investigating problems, research & development with the use of varied materials like clippings. Pamphlets, pictures, pictures, maps & magazines.
As the center of considerable intellectual inquiry. Instructional Media Center envisions a society in which library shares the aspiration of dynamic learning environment & information professionals design & manage systems & services that benefit it’s users. To serve future users, the library preserves information across all formats and ensures effective storage and delivery systems. Its physical and virtual spaces respond to the changing habits of its users to enrich the schools experience and to multiply the ways in which clients can pursue the inquiry. It collaborates with expanding circles of partner yields unified access, broadening knowledge and enhanced services that lead to high academic achievements of the school. The Library continues to embrace change and align itself to flourish on diversity, to support professional growth and opportunity, and to reward flexibility and innovation.
In union with our school’s mission statement and institutional goals, the library will provide access to print, non-print and electronic media for students, faculty and administrator. The library provides information in research strategies for information retrieval, utilization and dissemination. Help bridge access to users a variety of formats containing educational and useful information through resources, service and teaching by promoting learning, research related to information science and help equip our students and fulfill their educational goals which allow them to influence the course of events in the twenty-first century.